Author Guidelines
Submissions are assessed by the Editorial Board and are subject to external peer review using the single blind method whereby the authors are blinded to the identity of the reviewers and editors.On average the journal returns a decision on a peer-reviewed paper within a fortnight.
Manuscripts should:
- Be concise and clear.
- Be a full-lengthResearch article, a review article or a short communication.
- Be in Times New Roman font with font size 12
- Use double line spacing throughout (including reference list and figure legends).
- Define all abbreviations when first mentioned.
- Be submitted in an editable Word format.
- Be written in either UK or US English.
- Contain a title page.
Accepted file types:
- Please be aware that the combined size of your files should not exceed 40 MB.
- For article text: txt, doc, docx, tex.
- For figures: eps, tiff, jpg, pdf
The manuscript should be in English and prepared as follows:
Title: Title should be brief, specific and informative, the scientific name(s) in italics/underlined.
Authors: Names of authors to be typed, unaccompanied by their degrees, titles etc.
Address: Address of the institution where the work was carried out to be given below the name(s) of author(s). Present address of correspondence should be given as footnote indicated by asterisk on the author to whom the correspondence is to be addressed.
Abstract: The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, indicating the scope of the experiments, providing significant data, and major findings and conclusions. The Abstract should be in about 250 to 300 words. Standard nomenclature should be used and abbreviations should be avoided. No literature should be cited.
Key words: Following the abstract, key words not more than 8 that will provide indexing references should be listed.
Introduction: This should be brief and the review of the literature should be pertinent to the theme of the paper. Extensive review and unnecessary detail of earlier work should be avoided.
Materials and Methods: It should inform the reader about appropriate methodology. For standard procedures, only references should be cited. It should comprise the experimental design and techniques specific chemicals, equipment and statistical procedures adopted.
Results and Discussion: It should be combined to avoid repetition. The results should not be repeated in both tables and figures. The discussion should relate to the significance of the observations. The Tables and figures should be placed in appropriate places within the text. Table legend should be typed above the Table and Figure legend should be typed below the Figure. Table and Figure titles should be brief and self-explanatory.
Conclusion, Declaration of Interest and Acknowledgement: Conclusion should be precise comprising of actual inferences followed by the next plan of research.
Declaration of interest: Declaration of interest include, details regarding the following and other similar data
- Employment and consultancies
- Grants, fees and honoraria
- Ownership of stock or shares
- Royalties
- Patents (pending and actual)
- Board membership
Funding: The sources of funding relevant to the research should be reported in the following format:
This work was supported by ICMR, ICAR, DBT, DST with grant numbers; The name of the NGO indicating the grant number.Where research has not been funded please state the following:This research did not receive any specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial or not-for-profit sector.
Acknowledgements: Acknowledgements should be brief.
References:The author should use the author-date-format for citations (eg., Mallick et al. 2006; Srinivas, 2001) and author-title-journal-year format for listing references (eg., Mallick M., Srinivas J.K., (2012) Title of the article, Journal of Plant Physiology, 10 (2): 413-420). List of all the references quoted should be provided at the end of the paper. It should be prepared alphabetically with surname of all the authors followed by the initials and year of publication in brackets. The titles of the articles should be mentioned. Full journal name should be used and be typed in italics.
All the papers are peer reviewed. The responsibility for any statement in the article rests with the author(s). The corresponding author should send a certificate that the article or its data has not been sent/will not be sent elsewhere for publication. If a manuscript is returned to the authors for revision, it must be resubmitted within 20-25 days of its receipt. The article number allotted should invariably be referred in all correspondence.
All submissions should be sent through Online Submission Platform or as email